
A corrupt MongoDB database is provided along with the namespace files and data extents ones. Since its broken we cannot open them in the normal way so we have to investigate on how to do it. Googlin about this we found a nice paper that talks about this: .

So basically this paper give us a tool that the dudes there coded for extract all the BSONs object from the data extents. Extracting them we saw that there were some objects that were builts like:

{u'Position': A, .. garbage .. , u'Letter': B }

Basically this represent one char of the flag we are looking for ( ascii char B in position number A). So now just need to sort them out by position number and get the flag.

{u'Position': 21, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b64e4'), u'Letter': 53}
{u'Position': 25, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b66ac'), u'Letter': 56}
{u'Position': 0, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b68f5'), u'Letter': 82}
{u'Position': 30, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b6b69'), u'Letter': 57}
{u'Position': 27, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b6d50'), u'Letter': 66}
{u'Position': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b6f57'), u'Letter': 85}
{u'Position': 11, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b71e8'), u'Letter': 56}
{u'Position': 26, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b725f'), u'Letter': 50}
{u'Position': 14, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b7343'), u'Letter': 66}
{u'Position': 32, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b73be'), u'Letter': 53}
{u'Position': 23, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b73f5'), u'Letter': 50}
{u'Position': 31, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b77f6'), u'Letter': 48}
{u'Position': 3, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0532de56321a507b7ab5'), u'Letter': 84}
{u'Position': 16, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b849d'), u'Letter': 48}
{u'Position': 15, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b84d0'), u'Letter': 57}
{u'Position': 22, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b8515'), u'Letter': 56}
{u'Position': 4, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b8787'), u'Letter': 70}
{u'Position': 7, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b898f'), u'Letter': 70}
{u'Position': 9, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b8dd5'), u'Letter': 69}
{u'Position': 37, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b8de6'), u'Letter': 49}
{u'Position': 12, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b8ea8'), u'Letter': 66}
{u'Position': 24, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b9032'), u'Letter': 70}
{u'Position': 34, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b9388'), u'Letter': 66}
{u'Position': 13, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b97be'), u'Letter': 55}
{u'Position': 28, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0533de56321a507b98fd'), u'Letter': 55}
{u'Position': 18, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0534de56321a507b9e7d'), u'Letter': 52}
{u'Position': 8, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0534de56321a507ba0a6'), u'Letter': 68}
{u'Position': 2, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0534de56321a507bab37'), u'Letter': 67}
{u'Position': 33, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0535de56321a507bac85'), u'Letter': 54}
{u'Position': 29, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0535de56321a507bad62'), u'Letter': 66}
{u'Position': 17, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0535de56321a507badcd'), u'Letter': 52}
{u'Position': 35, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0535de56321a507bbe80'), u'Letter': 55}
{u'Position': 5, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0535de56321a507bc868'), u'Letter': 95}
{u'Position': 19, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0536de56321a507bce20'), u'Letter': 55}
{u'Position': 6, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0536de56321a507bce46'), u'Letter': 67}
{u'Position': 20, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0536de56321a507bce49'), u'Letter': 66}
{u'Position': 10, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0536de56321a507bd6cf'), u'Letter': 50}
{u'Position': 36, u'_id': ObjectId('530a0536de56321a507bd6ee'), u'Letter': 70}

flag: RUCTF_CFDE28B7B90447B582F82B7B9056B7F1


Task give us an image and three text files. We face with the configuration of three routers and an image explaining the links and how the net works. The challenge is to get which command is skipped in R1.txt file. Going throught the CISCO docs and references and analyzing the network layout a parameter in OSPF router section was missing that was about the redistribution of the rounting protocol ‘eigrp’.

Flag: redistribute eigrp 1 subnets
